Te Puke High School Verified

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About Us

We are proud to introduce our wonderful school to you. Students are placed at the heart of our school and are provided with many great learning opportunities, which help them develop as a confident, connected and actively involved lifelong learner. Te Puke High School is small enough to care and large enough to compete.

Te Puke High School is a friendly, future focused school, which aims to provide quality learning experiences for each and every student. Our students are placed at the heart of our school. Our highly professional dedicated staff strive to form strong positive learning partnerships with each and every student.

Education is an important asset for each student’s future in an ever-changing world. At Te Puke High School we take learning seriously. Within a supportive environment, our students are expected to take responsibility for their learning and aim for excellence in everything they do.

Key Information

  • Region: Bay of Plenty
  • Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
  • Roll Total: 890
  • Authority: State
  • International roll: 58



19 Tui Street, , Te Puke


Te Puke High School

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