Advertise with us!

Tap into our large, highly-targeted and highly-motivated audience using StudySpy Ads.
Unique users in the last 12 months.
Searches per month.
Courses and sholarships.

Who are we?
StudySpy is New Zealand’s Education Directory with every tertiary programme, scholarship and provider, as well as every high school across the motu!
StudySpy is used by students, career upskillers, parents, careers advisers and is included in NZ High School curriculum as part of the School Leavers’ Toolkit. The StudySpy platform is promoted and linked to on the, Careers NZ and Ministry of Education websites, as well as many high schools, tertiary providers, libraries, iwi and regional councils.
What we offer you
Comprehensive knowledge of our highly targeted, highly motivated audience allows you to deliver a tighter marketing stratergy. StudySpy Ads is a guaranteed way to be front and centre at the exact moment when students are weighing up their options and making their all important study decisions.
From regional domestic marketing, to international student attraction campaigns; our team will help you get your brand noticed with our search and display ad packages designed to suit every budget.
Promote your content in the right place, at the right time.
Search Ads
Be the top result for our course and scholarship search results.
With over 9,000 programmes and scholarships in our database, it can be tricky to stand out from the crowd. Make sure you get seen by promoting yourself to the top of our search results!
How Search Ads work:
- Identify the courses / scholarships / provider you want to promote.
- Provide the Keywords you want to rank first for (we can help suggest relevant keywords for your campaign).
- Rank at the top of relevant search terms and be first in line for attention from your target audience.
Display Ads
Promote and target your messaging across the StudySpy network.
Display Ads feature in key strategic positions across the StudySpy site to capture audience engagement and to ensure that your messaging gets seen.
How Display Ads work:
- Identify your target audience and we can suggest relevant pages to promote on.
- Provide creatives and copy for ads (take advantage of the variety of formats we offer including our popular homepage takeover).
- Catch the eye of our large userbase in the right place, at the right time.

With so many available channels for spending your marketing budget, knowing which one will give you the best ROI is vital. Organisations who use StudySpy Ads describe the quality of student leads as “Superb!”
With so many available channels for spending your marketing budget, knowing which one will give you the best ROI is vital. Organisations who use StudySpy Ads describe the quality of student leads as “Superb!”

Pictured: Image 1: Victoria University of Wellington search and display ads campaign for science programmes. Image 2: WelTec & Whitirea co-branded student attraction campaign - homescreen takeover.

Rebecca Davidson, Marketing Manager

“We always struggle to connect with students at the right time in their tertiary planning, because every student has a differnt decision-making timeframe! With Study Spy, we know our programmes are available for students to search whenever they are ready.
It’s cost effective for us because we’re not pushing content that isn’t relevant, we’re sharing information that helps students make more informed choices when it comes to selecting a programme of study.
We’ve loved every minuite of working with StudySpy!”
Get in touch with us today.
Contact us for an obligation free call to discuss your campaign objectives and how StudySpy could help you achieve them!