About Us
Southland Boys’ High School sits deeply within the Southland community and is committed to producing the quality of young man that Southland, NZ and the world needs to lead it into the future. The curriculum here is based on being connected and contextual and looks to show the young men under our staff’s guidance the number of opportunities that are open to them in their future. As a school, we are committed to adapting to the modern world without losing the traditional.
Sport and cultural activities sit with academics and provide the essential balance of life for our young men during their time here comradery gained from competition and house activities will stay with them into their adulthood.
Key Information
- Region: Southland
- Co Ed Status: Single Sex (Boys School)
- Roll Total: 988
- Authority: State
- International roll: 3
181 Herbert Street,
Southland Boys' High School
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