St John's College (Hastings)

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About Us

Thank you for your interest in St. John’s College. Our college was founded in 1941 by the Marist Fathers and is the only Catholic Boys’ School in Hawke’s Bay. As a College, we are inspired by the work of the Marist Fathers who emphasised God’s unconditional love in their work with young people. It is this love and belief, in the dignity of each child that motivates us to provide an environment of both high support and high challenge; a place where students will learn to value excellence and the work ethic that is required to achieve their full potential. In New Zealand, Marists focus their ministry on youth and education, have a preference for missionary parishes, and ministry outreach into wider society, beyond traditional Church structures.

We pride ourselves on knowing our students well, understanding that the relationships between teachers and students are foundational in developing confident and successful learners. To assist this aim, our Vertical House System allows families and students to journey through their five years at St John’s with the same teachers as House Leader and Learning Mentor. We learn much about the needs of our students through this partnership between home and school and encourage our parents to participate in their sons’ learning at every opportunity.

As a vibrant multicultural learning community, St John’s provides students with a range of subject offerings and pathways. The College’s holistic vision extends to student achievement and support in Pastoral Care, Academia, Sport, Arts and Culture. Our aim is to produce well rounded young men able to face a competitive secular world with confidence. This is the vision of a ‘St. John’s Man’. The extension of our school are our parents and Old Boys. We are not just a school; we are a community. We value your input and support. Together we can teach our young men to be well grounded in their faith, independent and able to make wise decisions based on Christian values, with resilience to deal with the complexities of modern-day life.

Key Information

  • Region: Hawke's Bay
  • Co Ed Status: Single Sex (Boys School)
  • Roll Total: 361
  • Authority: State : Integrated


410 Jervois Street, , Hastings


St John's College

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