This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

Scholarship details

Dullabh Education Award
Value Up to $2,500 each
Length 1 year
Open date Saturday, 23 February 2019
Close date Saturday, 6 April 2019
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

The Award was established in 2016 and is funded by Arvind Dullabh, a retired Auckland secondary school teacher, inspired by his father who was a strong advocate for education and throughout his life helped many children in India to gain an education.

The main purpose of the Award is to provide assistance to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Primary specialisation, the Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary) or a masters degree in the field of Education in the Faculty of Education and Social Work who, because of financial hardship, may not otherwise be able to undertake university study.

How To Apply

Scholarship applications will usually open around six weeks before the closing date. Please read the regulations carefully to be sure you are eligible before you apply.

Entry requirements

'- One Awad may be made to a student enrolled in Year 3 of a Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Primary specialisation.

  • One Award may be made to a student enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary).

  • One Award may be made to a student enrolled in a Master of Education, Master of Educational Leadership, Master of Professional Studies in Education, Master of Professional Studies in Teaching Chinese in Schools, Master of Professional Studies in Mathematics Education, Master of Teaching (Primary) or Master of Teaching (Secondary).

  • To take up and be paid the Award, the recipients must be enrolled and have paid the fees, or arranged to pay the fees, for full-time enrolment in a Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Primary specialisation, a Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary), Master of Education, Master of Educational Leadership, Master of Professional Studies in Education, Master of Professional Studies in Mathematics Education, Master of Professional Studies in Teaching Chinese in Schools, Master of Teaching (Primary), or Master of Teaching (Secondary).

  • The Award is tenable by students who are citizens or permanent residents of New Zealand.

  • The basis of selection will be academic achievement, demonstrated financial hardship and motivation to succeed at University as demonstrated by a personal statement (sees Notes I-II). Successful candidates will have a GPA/GPE of 5.00 or above.