Pacific Lawyers’ Association Prize for Legal Writing - The University of Auckland

Scholarship details

Pacific Lawyers’ Association Prize for Legal Writing - The University of Auckland
Value $500
Length Prize
Ethnicities Pasifika/Pacific

About the scholarship

A Prize for the student of Pacific heritage judged to have written the best essay on an issue related to Pacific people in a course related to Pacific Legal Studies.

How To Apply

You do not need to apply for this scholarship, award or prize or complete an online application form. It is awarded on the recommendation of the relevant faculty or University of Auckland committee.

For more information about the awarding process for this scholarship, award or prize, download a copy of the regulations.

Entry requirements

The Prize will be awarded each year to the student of Pacific heritage who is judged to have written the best essay on an issue relating to Pacific people in LAWGENRL 453 Pacific People in Aotearoa or LAWGENRL 428 South Pacific Legal Studies (see Note II).