This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

Scholarship details

The Woodhouse Scholar
Study levels Undergraduate
Value a.       A grant of $5,000 for each of up to three academic years towards the cost of completing undergraduate university study in the biological sciences (subject to meeting at least a B+ academic average each year), plusb.      Biological science related employment during the summer recess at the SPS Ltd facility at Washdyke, Timaru
Close date Tuesday, 20 February 2024

About the scholarship

The annual selection of The Woodhouse Scholar which involves:a.       A grant of $5,000 for each of up to three academic years towards the cost of completing undergraduate university study in the biological sciences (subject to meeting at least a B+ academic average each year), plusb.      Biological science related employment during the summer recess at the SPS Ltd facility at Washdyke, TimaruThe Woodhouse Scholar will be: A promising first year undergraduate university student whose family lives in the South Canterbury region and who is studying biological sciences at University of Otago, University of Canterbury or Lincoln UniversitySelection of The Woodhouse ScholarThe Woodhouse Scholar will be selected from South Canterbury applicants who are undertaking a course of study to major in the biological sciences at a South Island universityThe decision of the selection panel shall be finalSubmitting an Entry for The Woodhouse ScholarshipEntries for The Woodhouse Scholarship close on the 20th February each year and must be submitted on the Entry Form which is also available from the Woodhouse Scholars Programme Administrator [email protected] entrant must submit an essay of 2,000 words on the subject “How I intend to apply my bio-science expertise to economic, social and environmental benefit for NZ and South Canterbury”. Failure to complete this assignment will render the entry invalid.

How To Apply

Each entrant must submit an essay of 2,000 words on the subject “How I intend to apply my bio-science expertise to economic, social and environmental benefit for NZ and South Canterbury”. Failure to complete this assignment will render the entry invalid.