Sir Julius von Haast Prize for BSc (Hons) in Geology

Scholarship details

Sir Julius von Haast Prize for BSc (Hons) in Geology
Value $1,200
Domestic/international Both domestic and international

About the scholarship

The purpose of this prize is to recognise academic excellence in honours and masters students in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Canterbury.Value/Benefits: A prize of $1,200 for the purchase of technical equipment, software or books relevant to the discipline of the degreeLevel of Study: Postgraduate Closing Date: Application not required Tenure: Not applicable Number available annually: One Applicable enrolment during tenure: Open to students who, in the year of the application, have completed a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Geology Citizenship/residency requirements: Not applicableFor more information, please read the regulations for this award: Click here.This prize recognises academic excellence in honours and master?s students in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Canterbury.