Sawtell-Turner Prize in Painting

Scholarship details

Sawtell-Turner Prize in Painting
Value $400
Domestic/international Both domestic and international

About the scholarship

This prize was instituted in 1975 from funds donated by Mrs Rosa Sawtell and Miss Emily Turner.Value/Benefits: Financial assistance at a value of $400 which must be used towards the purchase of suitably bound books, equipment or material approved by the Director of the Centre for Fine Arts, Music and Theatre, and bookplates will be provided where appropriateLevel of Study: Undergraduate, postgraduate and Doctoral Closing Date: Not applicableTenure: Not applicableNumber Available Annually: OneApplicable Enrolment During Tenure: Applicable to a student of Painting in the School of Fine Arts Citizenship/Residency Requirements: Not applicableFor more information, please read the regulations for this award: Click here.