Raymond Donnelly and Co Prize for Pacific/Pasifika Students in Criminal Law

Scholarship details

Raymond Donnelly and Co Prize for Pacific/Pasifika Students in Criminal Law
Value $500

About the scholarship

The prize recognises academic excellence in criminal law by Pacific/Pasifika students at Te Whare W?nanga o Waitaha University of Canterbury.Value/Benefits: Financial assistance at a value of $500Level of Study: UndergraduateClosing Date: Not applicableTenure: Not applicable Number Available Annually: OneApplicable Enrolment During Tenure: One prize is available annually to Pacific/Pasifika students1 who, in the year of the award,completed LAWS 202 Criminal Law and were enrolled at the University in a programme foran LLB degree. Citizenship/Residency Requirements: Not applicableFor more information, please read the regulations for this award: here.Candidates must be Pacific/Pasifika students.