Ngata Centenary Doctoral Scholarship

Scholarship details

Ngata Centenary Doctoral Scholarship
Value $5,000
Domestic/international Both domestic and international

About the scholarship

This scholarship recognises the single highest-ranked recipient, among those with whakapapa M?ori, of a UC Core Doctoral Scholarship at Te Whare W?nanga o Waitaha University of Canterbury. Top-ranked candidates who have been selected for a UC Core Doctoral Scholarship are automatically considered for the Ngata Centenary Scholarship; no application is required. MaoriValue/Benefits:a. $5,000 Level of Study: Doctoral Closing Date: Application not required Tenure: The scholarship is tenable for the period necessary to complete up to 360 points of enrolment. Number available annually: One Applicable enrolment during tenure: Research doctoral degreeSpecial requirements: Candidates must have whakapapa M?ori.For more information, please read the regulations for this award: click here.Candidates must have whakapapa M?ori.The scholarship was established in 1994 following the centenary of the graduation of the first Aotearoa New Zealand M?ori graduate, Sir Apirana Turupa Ngata of Ng?ti Porou. Additional information on Sir Apirana Ngata is available in the Dictionary of New Zealand Biography.