New Zealand School of Forestry Schlich Memorial Prize

Scholarship details

New Zealand School of Forestry Schlich Memorial Prize
Value $300
Domestic/international Both domestic and international

About the scholarship

This prize was established in 1971 from a trust fund, administered by the New Zealand Institute of Forestry, which was collected by public subscription in memory of Sir William Schlich, a pioneer of British forestry. In 2000, the administration and selection of the Schlich Memorial Prize was taken over by the New Zealand School of Forestry at the University of Canterbury.Value/Benefits:a. Financial assistance at a value of $300 b. One year's Associate Membership of the New Zealand Institute of Forestry.Level of Study: PostgraduateClosing Date: Not applicableTenure: Not applicableNumber Available Annually: OneApplicable Enrolment During Tenure: Applicable to students in the Fourth Forestry Examination of the Bachelor of Forestry Science degree.Citizenship/Residency Requirements: Not applicableFor more information, please read the regulations for this award: click here.