New Zealand Law Foundation Ethel Benjamin Prize (For Women)

Scholarship details

New Zealand Law Foundation Ethel Benjamin Prize (For Women)
Value Unspecified
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

This scholarship supports postgraduate research in law that will protect and promote the interests of the public in relation to legal matters in New Zealand. Value/Benefits: Up to $20,000 (Category A: Study at an NZ university and up to $50,000 (Category B: Study at an overseas university)Level of Study: Postgraduate Closing Date: 1 March Tenure: Unspecified Number available annually: Up to three Applicable enrolment during tenure: Unspecified Citizenship/residency requirements: Applicants must be New Zealand citizens or permanent residentSpecial requirements: Must be a woman and the holder of a New Zealand university law degree (unless there are exceptional circumstances the award would normally be made to candidates who have gained the qualifying degree within the past five years)This scholarship is offered by Universities New Zealand and applications can be made on their website by following the link below. For more information, please read the regulations for this award: Click here.