Neville Phillips Memorial Prizes in History

Scholarship details

Neville Phillips Memorial Prizes in History
Value $1,000
Domestic/international Both domestic and international

About the scholarship

The purpose of the prizes is to commemorate the contribution Professor Neville Phillips made to the study of History at the University of Canterbury, by providing financial assistance to the most outstanding undergraduate students majoring in History at the University.Value/Benefits: Financial assistance at a value of up to $1,000Level of Study: UndergraduateClosing Date: Not applicableTenure: Not applicableNumber Available Annually: OneApplicable Enrolment During Tenure: The prizes will be open to students who are at the end of their second year of university study at the University and are majoring in History; and have passes in at least 75 points of 100-level and/or 200-level History courses, with no fewer than 30 points being at 200-level. Citizenship/Residency Requirements: Not applicableFor more information, please read the regulations for this award: Click here.