Morehu Morris Rangitauira Memorial Prize in Forestry

Scholarship details

Morehu Morris Rangitauira Memorial Prize in Forestry
Value $500

About the scholarship

E ng? waka, e ng? mana, e ng? reoE rau rangatira m?T?n? r? koutou katoaThe prize recognises academic excellence by M?ori students completing a programme for a Bachelor of Forestry Science (BForSc) degree or a Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (BE (Hons)) in Forest Engineering degree at the University of Canterbury.Value/Benefits:  Financial assistance at a value of $500.Level of Study: UndergraduateClosing Date: Application not requiredTenure: Not applicableNumber Available Annually: One Applicable Enrolment During Tenure: Not applicableCitizenship/Residency Requirements: Not applicableFor more information, please read the regulations for this award: Click here.