Janet Holm Prize in History

Scholarship details

Janet Holm Prize in History
Value $1,000

About the scholarship

This prize is to inspire and recognise academic excellence in students studying New Zealand History at the University of Canterbury.Value: A monetary award to a value of $1,000.Level of Study: UndergraduateClosing Date: Application not required. The prize will be awarded by the University of Canterbury Council on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of History (or nominee).Tenure: One yearNumber available annually: One Applicable enrolment during tenure: Open to students who, in the year of application, majored in History at the University and were enrolled in at least one 100-, 200-, or 300-level course in the Department of History with a substantial New Zealand History content.Citizenship/residency requirements: There are no citizenship or resident requirements for this scholarship.For more information, please read the regulations for this award: Click here.