Graham Whyte Forestry Prize

Scholarship details

Graham Whyte Forestry Prize
Value $1,000
Domestic/international Both domestic and international

About the scholarship

The purpose of this prize is to recognise the best performing postgraduate student enrolled in the School of Forestry at the University of Canterbury.Value/Benefits: The current value of the prize is $1,000 Level of Study: Postgraduate Closing Date: Application not required Tenure: Not applicable Number Available Annually: One Applicable Enrolment During Tenure: Not applicable Citizenship/Residency Requirements: Not applicable For more information and to apply click here.This prize arises from the Graham Whyte Fund, which was established by way of a 2005 donation from Graham Whyte, with subsequent donations from those in the forestry industry who wished to acknowledge Dr Whyte?s contribution to forestry education and research. Dr Whyte was a member of the University?s School of Forestry from 1969 to 1994.If, in any year, there are two candidates of equal merit, the prize is awarded to each and the value is divided equally between them. In any year, no more than two students may receive the prize.No student may receive the prize more than once.