Claude McCarthy Fellowship

Scholarship details

Claude McCarthy Fellowship
Value $5,000
Domestic/international Both domestic and international

About the scholarship

The purpose of this scholarship is to enable graduates of a New Zealand university, who are registered and enrolled for a doctoral degree at a New Zealand university, to travel overseas for short periods to present research work at conferences and/or conduct research leading towards the New Zealand doctoral degree for which they are enrolled. This scholarship is offered by Universities New Zealand (UNZ) and applications can be made on their website by following the link below. Value/Benefits: The value of the award for each fellowship will be decided by the Selection Committee; however awards will not normally exceed $5,000, and are intended to supplement other sources of fundingLevel of Study: Doctoral Closing Date: 1 April for Fellowships to commence between 1 July and 31 December of the same year. 1 October for Fellowships to commence between 1 January and 30 June of the following year (via the UNZ website) Tenure: Up to three months. Please refer to the regulations for further details Number Available Annually: Varies. Please refer to the regulations for further details Applicable Enrolment During Tenure: Please refer to the regulations Citizenship/Residency Requirements: Please refer to the regulations For more information, or to apply, click here.