Canterbury Chemeca Trust Fund

Scholarship details

Canterbury Chemeca Trust Fund
Value Up to $500
Domestic/international Both domestic and international

About the scholarship

The purpose of this trust is to promote learned-body activity in chemical and process engineering within Australasia. Value/Benefits: Financial assistance with the costs associated with conferences, workshops and events related to Chemical and Process Engineering, up to a value of $500Level of Study: Not applicable Closing Date: 5:00 pm (NZT) 30 June. Applications should be made directly to the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering.Tenure: Not applicable Number Available Annually: Varies Applicable Enrolment During Tenure: Available to students and staff of the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Canterbury Citizenship/Residency Requirements: Not applicable For more information please read the regulations, click here.The trust has been set up to promote learned-body activity in chemical and process engineering within Australasia.