AIMS Scholarship (By Nomination Only)

Scholarship details

AIMS Scholarship (By Nomination Only)
Value $5,000

About the scholarship

The purpose of this scholarship is to recognise high-achieving secondary-level students who have completed the course MATH199 AIMS ? Advancing in Mathematical Sciences at the University of Canterbury. Value/Benefits: Financial assistance at a value of $5,000.Level of Study: School Leaver (First year undergraduate)Closing Date: Application not requiredTenure: One yearNumber Available Annually: UnlimitedApplicable Enrolment During Tenure: The scholarship is tenable during full-time enrolment in the first year of a programme for an undergraduate degree at the University of CanterburyCitizenship/Residency Requirements: Not applicableSpecial Requirements: Scholarships are available each year to secondary-level students in Aotearoa New Zealand who, in that year, completed the course MATH 199 AIMS - Advancing in Mathematical SciencesFor more information, please read the regulations for this award: click here.The scholarship will be offered to all eligible candidates who receive an A+ grade in the course MATH 199 AIMS - Advancing in Mathematical Sciences.The AIMS Scholarship is not co-tenable with the UC College of Engineering Mathematics and Statistics STAR Scholarship.