Golden Grove School

About the provider

At Golden Grove School we value cultural diversity, acceptance and peace education. We have a small group of international students currently within our International Student Programme, which caters for the individual needs of every student, and integrates children holistically into New Zealand education and culture. We warmly welcome students from all corners of the globe to experience a positive, tailored, rewarding learning environment at Golden Grove School.

Children at the Golden Grove School learn in an intimate family setting. The school is located in a beautifully renovated historical building overlooking the Port of Onehunga. It is carefully prepared with the Montessori materials that set the child up for independent, interactive and stimulating learning.

Golden Grove caters for full primary and intermediate education. The junior classroom consists of children aged 5-9 and the senior classroom has children aged 9-12. We are very happy to offer small class sizes.


Golden Grove School

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