About the provider
Welcome to Wairarapa Cobham Intermediate School - "Our pathway to your future"
Set in the north-west area of Christchurch, our co-educational Intermediate school focuses on the education of 10–13 year old students. We have a total of 630 students from a diverse range of cultures, for whom we provide a rich and varied curriculum. We are the largest intermediate school in the South Island.
We are located in the prestigious Fendalton area, with strong connections to Burnside High School, Christchurch Boys' and Christchurch Girls' High Schools, and other leading private schools. We are the perfect pathway school for your child's future success.
The staff at Cobham are committed to the unconditional focus and growth of each individual student. Our school is a warm, energetic place with staff, students and parents working positively together.
Come and experience the vibe that is Cobham Intermediate.
Wairarapa Cobham Intermediate
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