About the provider
We warmly welcome international students from all over the world and have an excellent reputation for taking good care of them. We actively participate in student exchange programmes and host overseas student groups. We welcome the qualities and strengths which international students bring to Kirkwood.
Kirkwood Intermediate School is located in the heart of Christchurch and has approximately 300 students in Year 7 and Year 8 (10 to 13 year olds). Kirkwood is a state, co-educational school catering for the diverse needs of children.
We are particularly well resourced, with 9 specialist technology rooms, 13 modern and well appointed classrooms, ESOL classes for ESOL students, a large hall and a well equipped library information centre and up to date computer suite. We have plenty of space and playing fields for our children to enjoy, as well as our own swimming pool and modern, purpose designed adventure playground.
Kirkwood has an international flavour, with children from well over 20 nationalities attending. This provides the opportunity for children to develop skills vital in an increasingly multi cultural country like ours.
We consider international students’ happiness to be the most important factor as this accelerates their English learning hugely. We cooperate closely with (homestay) parents in order to help international students feel happy with their food, bedroom, appropriate furniture, communication with natural parents, homestay family, learning English, dealing with homework and making friends. Thanks to our homestay parents, most of our international students enjoy their time at Kirkwood. To see how quickly they adapt to Kiwi culture and their new environment is truly amazing.
Kirkwood runs a well designed and organised ESOL programme for international students for their English improvement. It is a comprehensive literacy programme based on listening, speaking, reading and writing in English every day. Students are grouped with similar capabilities in English. The ESOL programme helps international students not only improve their English but understand their classroom learning. The groups vary in size from 3 – 6 students for 45 – 60 minute sessions daily depending on their level.
Kirkwood helps international students improve their reading ability through the Reading Homework Programme. In three or six months following this Reading Homework Programme, international students are able to read English novels.
At Kirkwood we provide an inclusive environment where all children are encouraged to succeed. We make sure that we offer extension opportunities for our talented students, such as Australian Competitions, the Canterbury Westland Science and Technology Fair – major prize winners in 2006 – and all intermediate school competitions. We maintain close ties with the University of Canterbury, and our children benefit from this.
Making choices about where to send a child for English learning as well as Kiwi culture can be difficult. We know we have what it takes to make a success of this time for your child.
Kirkwood Intermediate School
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