Horizons Regional Council

About the provider

The Horizons Region extends over 22,200km2 - from Ruapehu in the north and Horowhenua in the south, to Whanganui in the west and Tararua in the east. It’s a landscape as vast and varied as the nearly 250,000 people who call it home. At Horizons Regional Council we work to make our region a great place to live, work and play.

While your city or district council is responsible for community services in your area, such as road maintenance, libraries, determining land use and subdivisions, Horizons' responsibilities include ensuring sustainable use of our region’s natural resources, leading regional land transport planning, contracting passenger transport services and coordinating our region's response to natural disasters. Some of our activities span several city and district council boundary lines and our jurisdiction extends 12 nautical miles out to sea. As a result we work closely with these councils and other agencies on some issues to ensure they are managed to benefit the entire region. Watch the video on this page to find out more.

Our Council is made up of 14 elected Councillors who collectively decide on suitable plans and policies for the region. Our Executive Management Team then decides how to implement these plans and policies effectively.


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