New Zealand Paramedic Education ​and Research Charitable Trust

About the provider

The New Zealand Paramedic Education & Research Charitable Trust, known as, is a charitable organisation established in 2011 to promote and support paramedic education, research and career development in New Zealand.

Education supports the study of paramedicine through the provision of undergraduate and postgraduate degree scholarships. These scholarships are available to eligible paramedics and high school graduates throughout New Zealand. Tertiary education encourages critical thinking and provides a depth of knowledge not offered in previous ambulance training. Tertiary education is critically important given the increasingly complex and advanced skills that paramedics are expected to perform.

Research  advances the research of pre-hospital care by supporting post-graduate paramedicine students to complete post-graduate study and undertake essential research in the ambulance field. ​Little pre-hospital research is currently being done in New Zealand. Research is critically important as it shapes clinical practice and ensures that the care being provided to patients is evidence based and consistent with international best practice

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