About the provider
Welcome to Zealive Institute of New Zealand.
We are delighted to welcome you to Zealive Institute of New Zealand. Zealive Institute is committed to providing excellent education and high quality delivery to support student success. We employ only highly qualified and dynamic tutors who work closely with students to enable them to achieve their goals.
We have very high academic standards. We encourage our students to work incredibly hard to achieve, not only their goals and dreams, but also the hopes of their families. Together, the culture we create is one of success.
Life at Zealive Institute is not just about academic brilliance. The great strength of the institute is its sense of community. Students who study here in this institute come from around the world. They share the same bonds: they value learning, respect each other and appreciate the skills and expertise of their tutors. We are always here to help our students. We make sure our students feel at home at school. This boutique learning environment allows students to get the attention and assistance they would not get in a larger public organization giving students a sense of belonging and community. In this supportive environment, we give young learners the chance to develop skills, confidence and maturity, which will be required during adulthood.
Students also have a chance to live and learn in a wonderful environment. Zealive Institute is a unique and exciting educational community. We look forward to seeing you here.
Zealive Institute of New Zealand
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