Mahurangi College

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About Us

We are an incredibly warm and inclusive school. Expectations for behaviour, built upon genuine mutual respect between staff and students, are very high and are founded on clear and consistent routines. Our ambitious and purposeful curriculum, grounded in powerful knowledge, is carefully sequenced to ensure all students are appropriately challenged. Explicit teaching ensures all students secure the basics, before moving to more creative and collaborative applications of learning, as delivered by our innovative STEAM programme. Authentic connections with our whenua are developing to ensure learning is grounded in our local environment.

Good manners are seen by our community as being really important, so we model and teach these to our students. Consequently, our culture is positive and respectful - students feel happy, safe and connected.

Key Information

  • Region: Auckland
  • Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
  • Roll Total: 1491
  • Authority: State
  • International roll: 52


Woodcocks Road, , Warkworth


Mahurangi College

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