Christ's College

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About Us

Christ’s College was modelled on the public schools of England, which many of the men in the Canterbury Association had themselves attended. The emphasis was on a classical education, which included Greek and Latin, Modern Languages, Mathematics, English, History and Geography.

Academic progress is the primary objective of a Christ’s College education.

Students are encouraged to pursue a range of activities in order to develop as well-rounded individuals, but our main aim is to create a strong foundation from which each boy can realise his full academic potential. All strengths will be recognised, but the boys must not lose sight of the fact that learning should be their primary goal.

We want our boys to excel beyond the classroom by nurturing their potential and supporting their avenues of discovery to find new passions through myriad cultural, musical, sporting and communal opportunities.

By immersing themselves in our extensive co-curricular activities, our students can naturally flourish – culturally, physically and socially.

Key Information

  • Region: Canterbury
  • Co Ed Status: Single Sex (Boys School)
  • Roll Total: 653
  • Authority: Private : Fully Registered
  • International roll: 29



Rolleston Avenue, Christchurch Central, Christchurch


Christ's College

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