Ngā Taiātea Wharekura

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About Us

Nō onamata te mauri. Kei anamata te aronga: We are ancestrally driven, and future focused. We believe that it is important for us to have deep cultural knowledge and values as well as being fully empowered for the future. We are both!

E Puta ki Taiātea: Our vision aims to ensure that Ngā Taiātea students are strive to ACHIEVE (Puta) their full POTENTIAL (Taiātea).

Te Ako ki Taiātea (Learning at Taiātea): Learning at Ngā Taiātea aims to ensure that all students have strong learning (values, skills and attitudes) foundations while also striving to support students to follow their passions and interests.

Key Information

  • Region: Waikato
  • Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
  • Roll Total: 255
  • Authority: State


134 Rotokauri Road, Nawton, Hamilton
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