About Us
At Te Aroha College we work with our students and community, the relationships we create allow us to work collaboratively and allow us all to be high quality learners. We have high expectations for all. At Te Aroha College we expect all who belong to our whānau, our staff, our students, our parents and caregivers to:
- Build Positive, Respectful Relationships
- Build Excellence through Motivation
- Build Resilience
We value the importance of Excellence and Success and take great pride in our students' achievements. We offer a school environment that is personalised, forward focused, innovative and able to cater for the individual needs our community's young people.
We have an exceptional teaching team who are committed to excellence, believe in the power of building strong learning relationships and are focused on success for all students.
We have a High Care - High Expectations based restorative culture and work hard to ensure our students understand the importance of responsibility, respect and resilience.
We work hard to establish community links and opportunities that allow our students to learn and achieve success in real world situation that supports a culture of lifelong learning and the development of each young person's strengths and passions.
We have a strong history of success and achievement that has spanned the last 50 years and are committed to offering a quality of education that our families, whānau, town and wider community can be proud of.
Our small size is our greatest asset allowing us the time and focus to know our students well, build quality learning relationships and challenge each student to be the best they can be.
Key Information
- Region: Waikato
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 306
- Authority: State
- International roll: 11
Te Aroha College
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