About Us
Children and young people flourish at Marsden. They're happy, they enjoy school and they go on to do exceptionally well in life. What makes Marsden special?
At Marsden, our relentless focus is on the ultimate goal of education. For us, education is much more than a step up to university and a career. Our purpose is to lay the foundation for lives of meaning, accomplishment and genuine happiness. We foster independent thinking, build resilience and instill the importance of community involvement.
We achieve that ultimate goal because we know, and can support every pupil personally. That's not possible in today's mega schools, whereas here, people talk about the 'Marsden family'. At Marsden, children and young people are nurtured, encouraged and respected. They feel safe being themselves and receive the individual attention they need.
Excellence is a core value at Marsden. Parents and pupils choose Marsden because everyone is striving to be the best they can be. At Marsden there is a shared passion for learning and discovery. Students and staff support each other and celebrate achievements.
Key Information
- Region: Wellington
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 155
- Authority: Private : Fully Registered
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School
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