About Us
Dannevirke High School is a medium sized school for boys and girls in the lower part of New Zealand’s North Island. We are located in the very heart of all the beautiful countryside that New Zealand is so famous for. Our students are able to gain an excellent education as well as enjoy the farms, forests and natural wonderland that surround our school and our town.
We have an excellent range of courses and options available and where these do not fit a particular student,we access courses through Video Conferencing as well as Correspondence options. Our experienced staff will ensure that students can gain the most from their courses of study, with extra support given to those who need it.
Key Information
- Region: Manawatu-Whanganui
- Co Ed Status: Co-Educational
- Roll Total: 419
- Authority: State
- International roll: 3
Grant Street,
Dannevirke High School
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