About the provider

Rukuhia te mātauranga ki tōna hōhonutanga me tōna whānuitanga. Whakakiia ngā kete a ngā uri o Awanuiārangi me te iwi Māori whānui ki ngā taonga tuku iho, ki te hōhonutanga me te whānuitanga o te mātauranga kia tū tangata ai rātou i ngā rā e tū mai nei.

Pursue knowledge to the greatest depths and its broadest horizons. To empower the descendants of Awanuiārangi and all Māori to claim and develop their cultural heritage and to broaden and enhance their knowledge base so as to be able to face with confidence and dignity the challenges of the future.

Ū tonu mātou ki te whai ki te rapu i te hōhonutanga o te mātauranga kākanorua o Aotearoa, kia taea ai te kī, ko wai anō tātou, me te mōhio ko wai tātou, kia mōhio ai nō hea tātou, me pēhea hoki tātou e anga whakamua. Parau ana tēnei ara whainga, hei whakapūmau anō i te tino rangatiratanga, hei taketake ai te ihomatua Māori me ōna tikanga kia ōrite ai te matū ki ngā mātauranga kē. Koia rā ka tū pākari ai, tū kotahi ai hoki me ngā iwi o te ao tūroa. Koia nei te ia o te moemoeā me ngā tūmanako o Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi. Haere mai… Me haere tahi tāua.

We commit ourselves to explore and define the depths of knowledge in Aotearoa, to enable us to re-enrich ourselves, to know who we are, to know where we came from and to claim our place in the future. We take this journey of discovery, of reclamation of sovereignty, establishing the equality of Māori intellectual tradition alongside the knowledge base of others. Thus, we can stand proudly together with all people of the world. This is in part the dream and vision of Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.



Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) Campus

Situated at the heart of South Auckland, Manukau is home to the largest Polynesian community in the world. Our students are at the centre of a vibrant cosmopolitan centre, surrounded by plenty of retail shops and cafés. Bus stops can be found outside the popular Westfield Manukau shopping centre, and the train station is only a short stroll away. Manukau City is just 20 minutes from Auckland’s central business district, and this newest campus retains our focus on building success and academic achievement not just for Māori, but for all cultures. Our zero-fees foundation and bridging programmes are a popular first rung on the academic ladder, preparing students to move on to higher learning options ranging from undergraduate degrees to Doctoral studies. Programmes are delivered in a variety of ways, including full-time day programmes, evening classes and weekend noho wānanga

Te Tai Tokerau (Northland) Campus

Our Northland site delivers marae-based and block/noho courses at Certificate, Diploma and Degree level. The post-graduate area of study to PhD level continues to grow strongly. Further degree programmes are planned in the fields of Kaitiakitanga/Environment Studies and Education (Teaching). Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi collaborates with Rūnanga and a range of providers in Northland to meet the needs and aspirations of our communities. Classroom space has expanded to meet increased demand, and a video-conferencing unit and computer suite have been installed. A key element in the success of our programmes is the quality of our talented teaching staff in Northland, most of whom whakapapa to Ngāpuhi. This aligns with the vision of Te Rūnanga ā Iwi o Ngāpuhi – ka tū tika ai Te Whare Tapu o Ngāpuhi.

Whakatane Campus

Innovation, advanced technology and cultural design elements are features of a new campus built by Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi to help transform educational outcomes for Māori. The new facilities were opened in December 2012 in Whakatāne, headquarters for the institution’s educational activities throughout Aotearoa and internationally. The complex features the high-tech Mark Laws Media Centre, teaching suites and lecture theatres with advanced video conferencing facilities that will connect students, lecturers and their peers nationally and worldwide.

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