About the provider
St Anthony’s Catholic Primary school was founded in 1994 with the intention of supporting parents of the parish in the Catholic education of their children.
The school operates from years 1 to 6 inclusive, after which the children normally progress to St Dominic’s College. We are the only fully Traditional Catholic school in New Zealand and very blessed to have both priests and Dominican teaching sisters as well as a full body of Catholic lay teachers on the staff. We are wholly dedicated to offering our children the very best of Catholic education and Catholic Tradition.
Our school is centred on Christ and the family. We work closely with Christian families and parents to ensure the best possible outcomes for our students. We require of all families attending the school that they be willing to practice and promote the Catholic faith at home as much we do at school. The unity between home and school practices is part of the holistic approach to Traditional Catholic Education that has produced such great achievers of all ages, and which will continue to do so.
St Anthony's School
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