St James' Catholic School

About the provider

Our Vision: To grow Catholic, Christian young people, who are confident, connected lifelong learners, inspired by the teachings of Jesus, and who make a positive difference in their community. 

Our Motto: To Live the Truth – Veritatem Vivere – comes to us from St James. We live the Gospel as Catholics welcoming, responding practically and positively. 

He Whakaaro Rangatira: Te Whakaruruhau – A sheltering place – given to St James’ School by James Kenrick, speaks of a sheltering place where all people are welcomed, supported and nurtured.

St James’, founded by the Mercy sisters in 1958 – has been quietly shining for 66 years, supporting families to educate their children in the faith. Our call to live this vision makes it real and serves those around us with love. This new website will enable you to find the information you need – please let us know if you would like to see anything else on the site.


St James' Catholic School

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