Course details

Te Pou Hono ki Mahi Marae
NZQF Level 4

About the course

The qualification is intended for people who seek to be engaged in the management, leadership and administration of their marae communities and are seeking a formal qualification to develop a broad range of skills in this area.
The qualification meets the need of whānau, hapū, iwi, communities and other entities wanting to grow capacity, capability and knowledge within their marae communities to manage, lead and administer their cultural, social and economic development.
Graduates of this qualification will be able to apply a broad range of management, leadership and administration skills to support their whānau, hapū, iwi and marae communities. Graduates will also improve their knowledge, understanding and skills of how to participate in the cultural, social and economic development of marae communities.

About the provider

Rukuhia te mātauranga ki tōna hōhonutanga me tōna whānuitanga.

Pursue knowledge to the greatest depths and its broadest horizons.

Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi is one of three wānanga (tertiary education providers) with statutory recognition under section 268 of the Education and Training Act 2020. This recognition reflects the institution’s special relationship with the Crown and in New Zealand’s education landscape.

Awanuiārangi is a category one education provider, reflecting the high confidence the qualifications authority has in its educational and organisation performance. The qualifications authority conducts External Evaluation & Review reports on every tertiary education organisation no less than every four years.

Awanuiārangi was formally established by Ngāti Awa on 11 February 1992 and maintains strong ties to the Whakatāne-based iwi. It offers education courses from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority’s level one through to doctorate programmes.

The main campus of Awanuiārangi is in Whakatāne, with additional campuses in Tāmaki Makaurau (Manukau, Auckland) and Te Tai Tokerau (Whangārei). Education opportunities are also provided through marae and community networks throughout the country and internationally.
