This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

Scholarship details

Whanganui Trust Education Scholarship
Study levels Undergraduate
Value $2,500
Close date Friday, 31 March 2023
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

Only shareholders of Morikaunui Incorporation or their descendants are eligibile to apply to The Whanganui Trust for assistance in any category.Application forms will be available from this website from mid-January.  Because of the information required in relation to enrolments (eg proof of fees being paid if applicable), it is unlikely that many applicants will have all their required documentation before late February or early March. Applications can be accepted for consideration from a current shareholder or their direct descendants or beneficiaries of a shareholding trust. The applicant must satisfy the following conditions:> (excepting for the Year 13 grant), be enrolled as a full-time tertiary student at a recognised New Zealand Institution;> if applicable, have complied with the reporting and all other obligations required of the Trust previously;> have completed the form fully and supplied all the required information [if information is not available by the due date, contact the office to make arrangements for late delivery (no longer than 2 weeks). See email link below or call on 06 348 7218].Note: All those considered for a Scholarship but who are unsuccessful are automatically awarded an Education grant.

Entry requirements

Open to students who are shareholders or direct descendents of a current shareholder or a beneficiary of a shareholding trust of Morikaunui Incorporation, and undertaking a recognised NZQA approved course of no less than one year.