This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

Scholarship details

Academic Excellence Scholarship - Bachelor of Media Design
Study levels Undergraduate
Value 25% towards 1 year study
Close date Monday, 20 February 2023
Enrolment status Full-time
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

If you are currently a New Zealand secondary school student and you have consistently achieved high marks throughout your education, then you should definitely consider applying for a Media Design School Academic Excellence Scholarship. Media Design School’s Academic Excellence Scholarships gives students with exceptional academic potential in digital design the equivalent of 25% of one year of undergraduate degree-level tuition fees with Asia Pacific’s No.1 digital design school toward their chosen programme.

How To Apply

Contact [email protected] and attach the following documents: academic transcript, attendance record and letter of intent.

What you receive

The equivalent of 25% of one year of undergraduate degree-level tuition fees with Asia Pacific’s No.1 digital design school toward their chosen programme.

Entry requirements

To be eligible to apply for an Academic Excellence Scholarship, you must:Have finished Year 12 and be in the process of completing Year 13 at a New Zealand school;Apply for the first year of the Bachelor of Media Design (February intake only); Demonstrate the potential for academic excellence at degree-level by providing your Academic Transcript;Supply a portfolio demonstrating your artistic ability.