This scholarship has closed

National Foundation for the Deaf - Deaf Education Scholarship

Scholarship details

National Foundation for the Deaf - Deaf Education Scholarship
Value Determined on a case-by-case basis.
Length One Year
Open date Tuesday, 1 February 2022
Close date Thursday, 31 March 2022

About the scholarship

The NFD Trust provides grants to support individuals undertaking further training which will assist their development and will be of benefit to New Zealanders with a hearing loss or who are deaf.

Applications will also be considered from groups wishing to provide courses or training for a wider group of people, providing they will benefit the deaf and hard of hearing community.

Scholarships are available for: Courses held locally or internationally Gathering resources Fees for Conferences that benefit Deaf/Hearing Impaired people Courses that equip hearing people to work with Deaf people Interpreter training in NZ Groups to provide training

Individual applicants are required to: * be a New Zealand citizen or have permanent residency. * be deaf / hard of hearing (hearing loss 60dB or more in better ear) or have an Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), * submit ALL supporting documents, along with a fully completed application form by the closing dates, or your application will NOT be considered.