This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

Scholarship details

New Horizons for Women Trust: Hine Kahukura Research Awards
Study levels Post-graduate and Post-Doctoral
Value $5000 to $10000
Gender Female
Open date Tuesday, 1 March 2022
Close date Friday, 15 April 2022
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

Purpose: NHWT Research Awards are for women who are conducting research that benefits women and/or girls in Aotearoa New Zealand. The awards are a one-off grant to help with research and/or living expenses.

You may apply for more than one type of Research Award if you meet the eligibility criteria. Only one award will be given to any successful applicant. Applications open 1 March.

How To Apply

Apply online from 1 March 2021 to 15 April 2021. Contact Details: [email protected]

What you receive

Research awards - not all awards are offered every year - please refer to our website awards page:

The Margaret Shields Research award $5000 Ria McBride Research Award $5000 Wahine Ora: a co-funded research award from Nga Pae o te Maramatanga, New Zealand's Maori Centre for Research Excellence and New Horizons for Women Trust: Hine Kahukura $10,000 Margaret L Bailey Science Award, for research expenses of a post-doctoral researcher in the physical and social sciences $5000