This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

Scholarship details

Ministry of Health Aniva Scholarship
Value $10,000
Close date Monday, 1 February 2021
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

The Pacific Health Scholarships (the Scholarships) contribute to improving access to health services for Pacific peoples, by supporting the development of a Pacific health and disability workforce. The Scholarships contribute to tuition fees for students who are undertaking a course in full-time or part-time medical and health or disability-related studies accredited by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). The scholarships offer up to $10,000 for medical and dentistry students and up to $5,000 for nursing, midwifery, allied health and all remaining qualifications.

The scholarship covers tuition fees only. Payments will be made directly to the respective tertiary institution once the Ministry of Health receives confirmation of tuition fees.

Pacific Health Scholarships cannot be held in conjunction with any other scholarship.

How To Apply

Access the online form. Make sure that you save your application if you are going away from your computer as you may have to start the application again. We also advise that you make a copy of your answers to the questions and save them on a Microsoft document. Attach an official transcript for tertiary study. If this is not available, then attach a screenshot of your results. Upload a screen shot of your fees if your statement of fees is not available. Ensure your application is complete with all necessary attachments included. Late applications will be at the Assessment Panel’s discretion to consider.

What you receive

$10,000 for medical and dentistry students and up to $5,000 for nursing, midwifery, allied health and all remaining qualifications. The scholarship covers tuition fees only.

Entry requirements

To be eligible to apply for a Pacific Health Scholarships (the Scholarships), you must:

be a New Zealand resident or permanent resident at the time of the application be enrolled in a health or disability-related course/qualification be enrolled at an approved NZQA accredited tertiary provider in New Zealand provide evidence of Pacific Islands descent (passport, birth certificate, reference letter).