This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

Hoe Tahi - Addiction Scholarships

by Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec)

Scholarship details

Hoe Tahi - Addiction Scholarships
Close date Friday, 9 February 2018
Ethnicities Māori, Pasifika/Pacific
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

Te Rau Matatini administers the Hoe Tahi scholarships on behalf of the Ministry of Health. The scholarships are for those intending to undertake study next year. The study needs to be relevant to working in the addiction treatment sector or contributing to the minimisation of addiction-related harm.

The Hoe Tahi scholarships aim to strengthen the addiction treatment workforce by growing the capability of those working to minimise addiction-related harm.

How To Apply

  1. Complete an online application
  2. Attach all required documentation to your online application
  3. Submit online application before the closing date.

Entry requirements

Candidates MUST be:

A New Zealand citizen or New Zealand permanent resident. Those pursuing a career within the addiction treatment system. Studying in New Zealand. Study MUST be relevant to those already working in the health and allied sectors wanting to enhance their understanding and knowledge of working with people who experience addiction related harm.