This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

The Todd Foundation Awards for Excellence

by The Todd Foundation

Scholarship details

The Todd Foundation Awards for Excellence
Value $2000 - $8000
Length The term of an award shall be at the discretion of the Awards Selection Committee but shall normally be for one year.
Close date Friday, 1 March 2019
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

The Todd Foundation Awards for Excellence (ITPs) are granted to support students in undertaking projects carried out at an Institute of Technology or Polytechnic in New Zealand, in a field of study which is likely to be of direct benefit to New Zealand and its people. The emphasis is on projects which have a practical application.

How To Apply

Every student who wishes to be considered for an award shall complete the application form below.

Entry requirements

An applicant for the award must be:

*A New Zealand citizen, or hold New Zealand Permanent Residency, and *Studying at a New Zealand Institute of Technology or Polytechnic