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New Zealand Aid Programme Awards for Postgraduate Field Research

by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT)

Scholarship details

New Zealand Aid Programme Awards for Postgraduate Field Research
Study levels Master's degree, PhD
Value The value of an award is: • up to NZ$4,000 for research as part of a Master’s programme • up to NZ$6,000 for research as part of a Doctoral programme. Costs covered by an award: • international and national flights (cheapest available economy fares) • travel and health insurance • domestic travel such as bus, ferry, taxi and train (cheapest available, safe and practical means) • daily allowance of $40 (to contribute towards food and accommodation costs)
Length The field research supported by an award must be carried out in the year following the year of application. • The award must support research taking place over a minimum period of four weeks.

About the scholarship

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), is making available Postgraduate Field Research Awards (the Awards) to assist Masters and Doctoral students meet a proportion of their travel expenses and associated costs in carrying out field research in developing countries.

How To Apply

Submit your completed application to [email protected] Check that the application form is complete and the necessary documents are attached The Policy Brief The Policy Brief should comply with the template provided and be no longer than 4 pages. The Policy Brief must be approved and authorised by the award holder’s academic supervisor and be submitted electronically to MFAT within 6 months of return from field research. The information provided in the Policy Brief may be used by MFAT for development policy and practice, and may be shared with others in New Zealand and overseas. The criteria used to select the most suitable applications will be • Quality of the Research Proposal • Relevance of the proposed research to the priority and focus areas of the New Zealand Aid Programme as listed in the Eligible Research Locations and Themes document. Applicants should note that while research is allowed within Africa & Asean the focus of MFAT remains on the Pacific. • The extent to which the Research Proposal has appropriately considered and addressed relevant cross-cutting issues (gender, environment, and human rights). • Potential of the proposed research to contribute to development knowledge (particularly for doctoral candidates). • Potential of the proposed research to contribute to development policy and practice (can the research be applied, does it link research questions through to development practice?). • Capacity of the applicant to carry out the proposed research and demonstrated commitment to development (eg through previous employment, active membership of relevant NGOs, and/or previous study and study visits). • Other awards that the applicant may have received or be seeking. • Applications are complete, with all required documents.

Entry requirements

To be eligible to apply for an award applicants must: • be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident; and • be undertaking the research as part of a New Zealand based Master’s degree or Doctorate; and • be undertaking the research in a developing country (or multiple countries) listed in the Eligible Research Locations and Themes document. • be undertaking the research for a minimum period of four weeks in the year following the year of application. • have received (or will receive prior to commencement) university ethics approval to conduct the research. • have received (or will receive prior to commencement) approval to conduct research from the appropriate government authorities of the country in which research will be conducted. Postgraduate students are not eligible to apply for an award if they have previously received an award for the same research under the same degree programme in an earlier year. However if an applicant has previously received an award but is applying for separate research under a separate degree programme then these applications are eligible. Open to other eligible research locations and themes that line up with MFAT's Strategic Plan 2015-2019. Further details on the awards including the application form can be found on the Field Research Awards page