This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

Scholarship details

BRANZ Postgraduate Scholarship
Study levels Master's degree, PhD
Value Masters - $20,000 Doctorate - $25,000 per year
Open date Friday, 23 September 2022
Close date Wednesday, 23 November 2022

About the scholarship

BRANZ Group is the New Zealand building industry's centre for science and research. We provide independent and impartial research, testing, consulting and information to the building industry. BRANZ Inc allocates funds to assist students with outstanding academic credentials to undertake research in fields that are deemed to be of importance to the building and construction sector.

How To Apply

Download an application form from Applications should be sent to [email protected].

Entry requirements

Applicants must have New Zealand citizenship or permanent residence and have been accepted by a recognised New Zealand tertiary institution.Successful scholars are expected to study full-time, unless otherwise agreed to by BRANZ.Funding to an individual scholar for PhD studies is limited to 3 years.Scholars will also be required to submit a project plan indicating proposed milestones, which must be agreed by BRANZ before the first payment is made. Progress against this plan will need to be certified by your supervisor and communicated through progress updates.Scholars will liaise with BRANZ throughout the scholarship duration.Scholars are expected to communicate the results of their research to the building and construction sector.A scholarship awarded under this scheme carries no connotation of employment by BRANZ Group during the period of the award or at its conclusion.