This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

Ngati Whakaue Education Endowment - Post Graduate Scholarship

by Ngati Whakaue Education Endowment Trust Board

Scholarship details

Ngati Whakaue Education Endowment - Post Graduate Scholarship
Value up to $10,000 each
Close date Friday, 20 July 2018

About the scholarship

These scholarships are offered to students specialising in study in the following areas: Maori Education Tikanga me te reo Maori Maori Health Maori social and economic development including Maori leader and entrepreneurship

How To Apply

ONLINE APPLICATION FORM - process *Click on the link below to register (or login if you have previously registered for a tertiary grant since 2012 - new system). This is a one time permanent registration which you will be able to use for future NWEE grant applications) *Complete (or update if necessary) your profile page When you have completed and submitted your online form, return to your PROFILE page to print your cover sheet and whakapapa sheet. *Forward your cover sheet, completed and verified whakapapa sheet and all attachments as listed in the cover sheet checklist, to the Secretary's office by the closing date.

Entry requirements

Be enrolled in either postgraduate research programmes of study at a recognised Tertiary Institution at either Masters or Doctoral level. Applicants will be engaged in a FULL time capacity in either a Masters Dissertation or Thesis or similar research project, or a Doctoral Thesis reasearch project.