This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

Scholarship details

NPM Knowledge Event Support Grant
Value up to $10,000
Open date Monday, 8 October 2018
Close date Monday, 26 November 2018
Ethnicities Māori

About the scholarship

This grant is intended to assist with creating an event where research knowledge of a transformative nature is shared among key audiences (communities, policy makers, academics/researchers). Such events include, but are not limited to, conferences, symposia, community or other hui, wananga, colloquia, workshops, performances and/or exhibitions.

The grant should be regarded as partial support only. Applicants are encouraged to seek co-funding from alternative sources or sponsorship. Evidence of co-funding or ‘in-kind’ support (e.g., in-kind provision of venue hire, contribution to catering or equipment requirements) will be factored into the assessment process. Care should be taken in preparing the event budget. Please be realistic and when estimating the event costs and ensure that all facets of the event are factored into costings.

How To Apply

Please ensure you download the Event Overview and Details Template and the Event Budget Template below, complete them and upload with this application.

Entry requirements

This grant is open to emerging and established Maori researchers from Nga Pae o te Maramatanga (NPM) partner organisations. All NPM grants and awards are positioned to advance aspects of the NPM’s Research Programme.

Priority is given to applications that:

Have secured or are in the process of securing partial sponsorship or co-funding Originate from NPM research.