This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

Māori Health Research Development Grant

by Health Research Council of New Zealand (HRC)

Scholarship details

Māori Health Research Development Grant
Value Up to $10,000
Close date Tuesday, 17 July 2018
Ethnicities Māori
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

These grants support Maori health researchers to develop a project proposal to submit in our annual contestable funding round. Up to $10,000 is available. The grants can be used to source independent and reputable expert advice while developing a proposal, mitigate the costs of consulting with particular communities and relevant organisations, and/or access resources critical to developing a proposal.

How To Apply

Firstly, you'll need to register your intention to submit an application for this fellowship and then complete your registration online via HRC Gateway. After registration, you'll need to submit a full application online via HRC Gateway using the templates provided below. The final step is to send a hardcopy of your full application to the HRC.

Entry requirements

To be eligible for these grants, you'll need to be a New Zealand citizen or hold residency in New Zealand and be of Maori descent. The development grant fund must be administered through a host institution bank account and not an individual bank account. You must also have a true intention of applying to our annual contestable funding round.