NZSEE Research Scholarships
Scholarship details
Study levels | Postgraduate |
Value | $5,000 |
Close date | Friday, 8 March 2019 |
Enrolment status | Full-time |
How To Apply
No application form is required. Applicants should provide the following information to the NZSEE Executive Officer:
•A brief CV •A statement outlining other financial support being received by the candidate, •a short title for the proposed research project, •a brief outline of the nature, purpose and probable outcomes of the research, •a letter of support from the Academic Supervisor, •a brief work plan indicating the start and finish dates and current status of the project
Entry requirements
-Applicants should be pursuing a full-time course of study towards a post-graduate qualification at a New Zealand institution including research relevant to the mission of the NZSEE which is to gather, shape and apply knowledge to reduce the impact of earthquakes on our communities. -Applicants should be intent on pursuing a career in earthquake engineering and must demonstrate outstanding ability and promise -Preference will be given to candidates pursuing research in support of the Society’s current technical projects as identified on the Society’s website. -It is expected that applicants are Student Members of the Society. -The recipient must agree to continue their studies for at least a full academic year and to present the findings of their research at an NZSEE Annual Conference and in the Bulletin.