This scholarship has closed - check the website for the next intake

Jaycee Trust Scholarship

by Palmerston North Jaycee Trust,Palmerston North City Council

Scholarship details

Jaycee Trust Scholarship
Value $1500
Close date Friday, 26 April 2019
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

Supported by Palmerston North Jaycee Trust in association with Palmerston North City Council, this scholarship is available to students who demonstrate academic merit, interest and leadership in community affairs. Your plans for the future and financial circumstances will be taken into consideration. $1,500. Closes April.

Entry requirements

• Applicants should be a full-time full year student undertaking a study programme of more than one year (i.e. a two or three year course) • Applicants should be studying at UCOL’s Palmerston North campus • Applicants for this Scholarship must be New Zealand citizens